Weekend Plans: TableTop Day

mexican train game
Riding the Mexican Train.

Steve and I are getting together with some friends this Saturday to play some games. Why Saturday? It’ll be International TableTop Day! Plus, we like those friends and are overdue for a visit. We’ll bring some with us (maybe Munchkin, Gloom, Seismic, and Unexploded Cow, if I can find one to buy earlier on Saturday), they’ll have some too (Illuminati), and then some laughter, winning/losing/feuding, and likely also food and drink will ensue.

To rev up for it – and to laugh at some funny photos – I’ve found a handful that I’ve taken over the last few years, of games being played, mostly by me and Steve, but also by various & sundry relatives and other “game” humans (friends). Enjoy! Be inspired! Play a game – on Saturday, or on any day.

Seismic game
Getting Seismic on the West Side
carcassonne game
My, those wooden people are big. Carcassonne!
Jenga game
The game that should be called “Seismic”: Jenga!
Sorry! game
Who’ll be Sorry?
Card game of hearts
Hearts in the Canyon
Bananagrams. Or quilting? In the Methow River Valley.
Ball court in Yucatan
Ok, is not tabletop. But is game: mesoamerican ball game. At Chichen Itza. And I love this photo.

2 thoughts on “Weekend Plans: TableTop Day

  1. You guys are amazing. I don’; even own one game. I do, however, have three decks of cards, one from Iceland Air.

    • Let us know if you want to come over for a game night. I think we’re going to do them more often. With food & beer of course!

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